
To get you going:

3-4 Rnds of Cindy..
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

Leg Blaster..
20 air squats
20 standing lunges
20 jumping split lunges
10 jumping air squats

Super Squat Hip Sequence 
w/ oscilating (knee out) foot down
Belly Button into ankle (knee out)
Belly Button to knee (out)
Belly Button away w/ hand on knee (push out) oscilating
BACK UP – shin past vertical
Belly Button to foot (oscilating)
Belly Button to knee
Belly Button out (hand on knee)
DISMOUNT … Relax … Other side!

Get sweaty... & Work on you weaknesses:

Wall Crawls.
Pistols. (one-legged squats)
Paleo Chair + Shoot the Duck

Run an 800 (around school)

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