Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Summer 2014 Begins... lets get this thing off and running

Warm-up. 2-3 RNDS
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

Team WOD. You & A Partner
5 RNDs for Time:
Partner will run 200m
While other does:
5 push ups
10 KB 10-25# swings
15 air squats

Keep track of total rounds of 5/10/15.
All in under15min

Grim + T  -10rnds
Klopotek + Em   -10rnds
Ali Tonn + Hailey   -10rnds
Wolf + Lizzy   -8rnds
Rachel + Paige   -10rnds

Remember: WE make each of these days worth it.  IT WILL BE HARD in the beginning.  Anything ever worth doing was never EASY... so embrace the Hard and know you will be BETTER for it!

I think there is a lot we can do to better ourselves, but we make each other better.  So hold each other accountable!
Lets get the girls in here for a 3x work week:  MWF of greatness for the 'big' group... TR for those of us that are in.

10am tomorrow we go again...

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