Sunday, June 29, 2014


Some great things going on the Weight Room.

... and of course, I have some excellent photos to share!

BUT.. you have to go to my instagram account to check them out since we have not started one yet for the weight room specifically... so you are mixed in with my photography talents of daily life also!

Super happy to mention the Herman Sisters are making a track dynamic duo this upcoming school year- and I will be holding them to it!

Corrine, Rachel, Haley went through a workout of stamina and strength prior to work/CUSA excursions... Thruster, pull ups, and burpees was a killer-combo & they did a fabulous job!!

T brought in not only her brother, but some sophomores (YES) ... that is what it is all about, you know what it was like... and you know that the only way you felt more comfortable was because you made it a part of your routine.. Great Job T!

There are great things happening.. now start the domino effect ;-)

Some of the incoming sophomores get their final once over and we will see if they will be cleared, but are still doing what they can... injuries can stop us dead in our track, but we need to look at what weakness we could work on while we heal.
Examples from this Spring:  When my shoulder went out for a while, I worked on my legs and closer now (than I have EVER been) to getting a pistol.  When I missed the jump box, 16 stitches later and no running... I worked the relationship weakness between myself and the rower, we no longer hate each other but it is more a mutual respect of distaste- but I still Row!

-The leagues have all started and are going great.. be committed, be there for your teammates.  Be positive, this is about growing together.  Don't play the head games with yourself, adjust & be consistent!  Work hard on the one thing that you have COMPLETE control over.... don't miss short, stay aggressive, go for zones, and challenge yourself.  Be together...this is the beginning... staying together is the process.

Volleyball girls. Don't forget about your skill and drill nights in July-
Paperwork on FB
Volleyball Skill Work Opportunities
All student-athletes interested in playing volleyball for the 2014-2015 season going into grades 9 - 12
When: Tuesdays, July 8, 15, 22 - 6pm - 8pm
Tuesday, July 29 - 6pm - 8pm (for those not able to participate in ProVolley)
Come prepared and ready to go through skill-work and drills… make sure to tell others about the skill nights
(there will be no Rapids 9-12 camp- these dates will be our skill/drill nights)

I left a note by your check in graph.... now is the time to start getting on those that you haven't seen.  Teammates do what needs to be done for each other when it comes to sport.

See you when I get back!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sure, I'm sore... I think I will just do the WoD today.

that is the text I get in the afternoon... Coach, I am really sore.  So I will be in at 7am to do the Wod and then I need to stretch.

This is what I wish I could show you!  You would have never said that to me 2 years ago, you would have just decided to not show up.... and you know that isn't the answer.  To get better, you will get sore, but it will be gone in a few day... sitting around while your sore will only make you sore again when you decide to come back in.  (redundant actions that have no correlation to getting better)

So with that:  HIGH FIVE to Paige!

Also:  Sign in when you get to the weight room.  Every day.  On the clipboard but also if you are participating in Fall Volleyball you need to get on the chart.  Hails tacked it up on the bulletin board.  Rewards to the top 5 for the month of June before I leave for Africa!

Thurs.... Early Crew.

6 rnds for time:
50yd dash
5 jump lunge
10 push ups
15 pike sit ups

Paige-  9:05
Nieman-  8:21
Dux-  8:46
Whip 1-  8:26
Whip 2-  6:42
Whip 3-  6:41
Rachel- 5:00

Also: Rest Days exist.  Today may have been yours.  When you take a rest day- do that, rest, but make sure you stretch yourself out, go for a walk, jog, run, and drink a lot of water.  #activerest

T-shirt thoughts for Summer poWRgirls crew~
  I'm better than yesterday but not as good as tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Summer 2014 Begins... lets get this thing off and running

Warm-up. 2-3 RNDS
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats

Team WOD. You & A Partner
5 RNDs for Time:
Partner will run 200m
While other does:
5 push ups
10 KB 10-25# swings
15 air squats

Keep track of total rounds of 5/10/15.
All in under15min

Grim + T  -10rnds
Klopotek + Em   -10rnds
Ali Tonn + Hailey   -10rnds
Wolf + Lizzy   -8rnds
Rachel + Paige   -10rnds

Remember: WE make each of these days worth it.  IT WILL BE HARD in the beginning.  Anything ever worth doing was never EASY... so embrace the Hard and know you will be BETTER for it!

I think there is a lot we can do to better ourselves, but we make each other better.  So hold each other accountable!
Lets get the girls in here for a 3x work week:  MWF of greatness for the 'big' group... TR for those of us that are in.

10am tomorrow we go again...